The CGT has filed strike notices in the three branches of the civil service running from April 15 to September 15 and which will therefore cover the period of the Olympic Games (July 26-August 11) and Paralympic Games (August 28-September 8), she announced on Wednesday. “No Olympic truce” warned the first public service union in a press release, which had already announced its intention to call a strike during the Olympics. It requests in particular “long-term recruitment, salary compensation for professional constraints generated by the Games, (…) rights to leave, chosen teleworking and disconnection”.

This notice joins that of the second public service union, Force Ouvrière (FO), which had also filed a strike notice at the beginning of March extending over the entire period of the Olympic Games, demanding better pay for civil servants. The CFDT (3rd union) and the Unsa (4th) conversely made it known that they were not calling at this stage for mobilization during the Olympic Games, with the general secretary of the CFDT assuring at the beginning of March that the confederation had “no desire to spoil this festive moment.”

“The whole country wants there to be no strikes” during the Olympic Games, Public Service Minister Stanislas Guerini insisted in early March. He then judged “very inaccurate” the unions’ assertion that there would be no dialogue with the government to prepare for the Olympic Games and confirmed that public employees mobilized during the Olympics would receive bonuses of 500, 1,000 or even 1,500 euros, depending on their degree of involvement and the impact of the event on their profession. “We were able to see that here too money was flowing freely (…) with a payroll of 584.8 million euros for only around thirty leaders of the organizing committee for the JOP 2024,” denounces for its part the CGT on Wednesday.