TV Every week dissects mediawatcher and tv critic Jules Hanot the wonderful world of media in All. Unsalted and razor sharp, as only Jules can.

On Monday 15 april, it received some stiff Filip (59) pleasant Philippe (38) at paleize to as alte comrades candles to blow, on the occasion of their birthday. The prince held several times a ‘spontaneous’ smile and ventured even – ‘The queen and I work both in team and intimate’ – a rehearsed sounds totally fake. National Geubels was invited for a royal piece of cake, of course, was no coincidence. The bald comedian is more popular than all the Saxe-Coburgs together and so the perfect man, to the dull reputation of the sovereign to substances.

The royal pr stunt went viral and while the court jester – ” It is the first time that I have a card to send to someone who is on the stamp’ – its amusing himself remained, tried the blauwbloedige host frantically as a pleasant Sire. That didn’t work, but Philippe Geubels is now known as child at home with the royals and maybe later esquire, baron or count. Smart thinking of the ex-rekkenvuller from the government that after the confrontation with Hans Teeuwen-dvd the irresistible compulsion felt to have a professional are people to entertain. A daring choice. The road to comedy-heaven runs through the purgatory of filthy wards where between booing and painful silences, often in vain, begging for a laugh.


Happy put Geubels bravely. He kneaded his nasal voice and image of by anxiety-ridden underdog to microsoft and became the wealthy owner of a thriving humorhandel. Which offers since recently also fiction and tv games, because the ambitious ‘patron’ new challenges. He was the perfect taster of ‘The Smartest Man In the World’ and the tormentor of Sarah Vandeursen and Pedro Elias ‘Geubels And The Idiots’. As a frightened white man he traveled in Africa onvervaard Martin Heylen meet in Dr. Livingstone’ and paste in ‘Geubels And The Belgians’ countrymen a hilarious look.

up To FOUR became too small and he decided to join the public service broadcaster continue to have amazing success story to write. An absolute toptransfer, because hint Geubels with the ground-breaking ‘Taboo’ immediately proved to be more than a week lolbroek. A fun, honest, courageous, and captivating program that with a smile and a tear vulnerable minorities a voice, and when all parties respect. Exactly that no-nonsenseaanpak of Philippe Geubels a unique mediafenomeen. A disarming calimero with stekeltjes that – as a fool who is already smiling tells the truth – recognizable witty the small edges of the fellows and of itself dissects. As a passenger of Wim Lybaert in the fine ‘The Columbus’ well-known he is for every gig to be afraid to get in his pants to kakken and dampened sober, ‘That’s just a duck with long legs’ – the euphoria of the blushing only starting with growing vegetables at the sight of a flamingo.