“Córdoba – trendier than Barcelona”
“Heritage, culture and delectable food – Córdoba has everything”
“Have you tired of Barcelona?nDå is the time to discover the exciting Córdoba. nStaden offers both culture, history, party and food in the top class. “
“a Lot has Barcelona as the favorite city in Spain. The city is super popular among the Swedish travelers and has everything for those looking for both sun, beach, and city. “
“But who has grown tired of big city life, La Rambla and the big tourist flows should direct the eyes towards the beautiful Córdoba. In Andalusia, to the northeast of Seville, and straight north from Malaga is Córdoba, which has approximately 330 000 inhabitants, but with a nice and friendly, the firey nightlife and a great food culture. “
“At the beginning of the 1000-century, the city was one of the richest and most powerful in Europe, which one can see both in architecture and art. The fact is that the city is the only one in the world that has four world heritage sites on the Unesco list. “