Worried about the massive cyberattack targeting France Travail, made public on Wednesday? A telephone platform to answer questions will be opened at 10 a.m. by the former Pôle emploi, indicated this Thursday morning on RMC Marie-Laure Denis, the president of the CNIL, which is supporting the public operator in this crisis. It will be accessible at 39 49, “for people who would like advice,” said the head of the National Commission for Information Technology and Liberties.

This dedicated thread could be taken by storm, given the scale of the cyberattack of which France Travail was the victim, as well as Cap emploi. “This attack would have potentially allowed the extraction of data from 43 million users,” estimated the CNIL in a press release published Wednesday. That is, all people currently registered on the France Travail list of job seekers or who have been on the list of job seekers over the last twenty years, as well as people who have a candidate space on francetravail.fr.

Among the personal data leaked are first and last names, social security numbers, France Travail identifiers, email and postal addresses as well as telephone numbers, lists the CNIL. On the other hand, “passwords and banking details are not affected by this act of cyber maliciousness,” she assures.

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In parallel with this dedicated telephone platform, France Travail is committed to individually informing, in the coming days, all people likely to have been affected by this data leak, via their personal space or by email. The CNIL recommends that people potentially concerned be “very vigilant, over a long period of time”. They “risk phishing attempts, that is to say receiving malicious emails which aim to defraud you, using information which seems credible about you, which will reduce your vigilance, and also risks of usurpation identity,” explained Marie-Laure Denis on RMC.

For those who are not comfortable using the telephone, the president of the CNIL emphasizes that there is also “a lot of advice on the CNIL website”. For example, never share your passwords or banking details. “If you think you are affected and your password is not strong, be sure to change it,” suggests Marie-Laure Denis. “If you think you have been the victim of identity theft, you can file a complaint via cybermalveillance.gouv.fr,” she adds.