Gathering all your digital data in one place is not a good idea and France Travail (formerly Pôle emploi) has just learned this the hard way. The new operator, which should enable rapprochement with local missions (organizations dedicated to young people) and Cap emploi (for people with disabilities) was the victim of a massive cyberattack.

The hackers actually managed to break into the system by “impersonating Cap Emploi advisors”, explains France Travail in a press release. “It is therefore potentially the personal data of 43 million people which have been exfiltrated,” he adds. That is to say all the people currently registered and those who have been registered over the last twenty years.

The data accessible are the first and last name, date of birth, social security number, France Travail identifier, email and postal addresses and telephone numbers. On the other hand, “passwords and banking details are not affected by this act of cyber-maliciousness. There is therefore no risk regarding compensation,” insists the successor of Pôle emploi. However, this data could lead to an increase in phishing attempts (fraudulent emails or calls) or even identity theft attempts.

France Travail has therefore announced that it will work to notify identified victims by email or via their personal space. The process could, however, take a long time. In the meantime, a dedicated thread to answer questions will be open tomorrow on the 39 49 platform.

The real impact of the leak is not yet known precisely, however, the pirates were able to freely carry out their operations “between February 6 and March 5,” explains France Travail, which only detected it “this week “.

The operator declares having “filed a complaint with the judicial authorities”. “A preliminary investigation was opened by the Paris Prosecutor’s Office and entrusted to the Cybercrime Brigade of the Paris Judicial Police Department which has set up a simplified complaint system for the people concerned,” the press release specifies. .

No one has yet claimed responsibility for the operation. On the operator’s side, “no lead has been put forward.” The only clarification is that this new attack is “a priori not at all linked” to that which has targeted several ministries since Sunday evening, France Travail told AFP.