
Emilien Jeannière of TotalEnergies wants to continue his current momentum after his first professional victory in the first stage of the Boucles de la Mayenne. Currently, he is participating in the Tour de Belgique until June 16.

In late May, Jeannière secured his first professional victory by winning the first stage of the Boucles de la Mayenne in a sprint finish. This triumph marked a turning point for the 25-year-old Vendéen cyclist. Jeannière expressed his satisfaction, stating that this victory was a long time coming and served as a validation of his abilities. He acknowledged the boost in confidence that came with this win and emphasized the importance of maintaining this positive trajectory.

Jeannière admitted that while others believed in his capabilities, he sometimes doubted himself. However, his recent success has reaffirmed his belief in his potential. Looking ahead, Jeannière aims to build on this achievement and capitalize on the upcoming opportunities, starting with the Tour de Belgique. He highlighted the sprint stages in Belgium as favorable terrain for his skills, citing his previous performances in similar race scenarios.

Despite his initial apprehension about racing in Belgium, Jeannière has demonstrated his adaptability and competitiveness on these roads. His recent top placements in various Belgian races reflect his comfort and proficiency in such conditions. Jeannière’s focus is now on maintaining his form throughout the Tour de Belgique and carrying this positive momentum into the upcoming French championships.

As a key rider for TotalEnergies, Jeannière will be joined by teammate Jason Tesson in the Tour de Belgique. Together, they aim to represent their team effectively and pursue further successes in the remaining stages of the race. Jeannière’s consistent performance in recent races indicates his readiness to face the challenges ahead and strive for additional victories.

The TotalEnergies team, including Tesson, Soupe, Gachignard, Latour, Turgis, Van Gestel, and Jeannière, is gearing up for the Tour de Belgique with high hopes and ambitions for a successful campaign. Jeannière’s determination and positive mindset set the stage for an exciting competition ahead, as he looks to build on his recent triumph and make a mark in the cycling world.