MALLORCA (Dagbladet): – I feel really all the time that I have to prove to the others that I’m good at what I do. Especially the combination with the fact that I have gone on cheerleading, and I’m dattera to Drillo … it’s easy to be put in the cubicle.

Iran Olsen Vedelden (24) throws the long, blonde hair over the tanned shoulders. When the Newspaper meets the retired cheerleaderen on the Spanish resort island of Mallorca, is she ready in speech and clear in his eyes.

I work hard and feel I deserve everything I’m getting. At the same time, I know that there is a constant struggle. Nevertheless, it is okay, because it keeps me sharpened. It gives me motivation to perform.

COMPETITORS: Chinese Olsen Vedelden (number six from the left) must turn out, Glenn Solberg, Lars Berger, Pål Anders Ullevålsæter, Tom Hilde, Ole Martin Årst, Hanne Haugland, Ann Kristin Flatland, Karoline Dyhre Breivang and Karina Hollekim to go victorious from this year’s season. Photo: John T. Pedersen / Dagbladet Show more

She smiles and lays her head on one side.

Iran Olsen Vedelden has in fact achieved impressive much despite his young age. Already before the age of 22 years she had won seven european CHAMPIONSHIP gold medals and a world CHAMPIONSHIP gold. Now study she earned a law degree in Oslo and has already turned the record in the tenth season of The “master leaderboard” – as the youngest participant in the program ever.

No doubt

To create a name of your own when your father is Egil Drillo Olsen (76) – one of the Norwegian fotballhistories largest – on the other hand is demanding. As a coach for the Norwegian national team he led Norway to the legendary victory over Brazil in 1998, among other things.

PAPPAJENTE: Chinese Olsen Vedelden does not hide that it may not always have been just as easy to have a father in the spotlight. Photo: Aftenposten / NTB Scanpix Show more

– It was always a little awkward growing up. Because daddy is a public profile, so do people believe that they can say or ask for what they want. For example, if I am in a social setting, where I meet new who find that I am dattera his … When they start feel free to Google because they will check it one or the other, then take it up with me. I don’t think anyone believes it hurt, and I understand that people are curious. But it can be uncomfortable, acknowledge Olsen Vedelden.

the 24-year-old first went in papa’s footsteps. Then she discovered cheerleading.

the BEST WITHOUT the BALL: Chinese Olsen Vedelden was often to be seen together with dad at the training ground as a child. Although she went other ways. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

I played soccer when I was smaller. As I grew older and engaged in various sports, it came to a point where I felt that I had to choose. I have a perception that you get a kind of calling when it comes to sports. When you first notice it you will drive with, there is no doubt: For me, it was cheerleading.

– What did your parents about the decision?

I have never felt pressure from home. That football was out of the picture, was probably no great disappointment for them. I think dad saw it coming. I have never been particularly interested in football. I can much, because I have grown up with football, but when I played, it was a bit like that and you might be able to find me in a corner where I stood and struck the wheel, ” she says and smiles.

Bad mood

As a child was Olsen Vedelden constantly on dad’s arena. It was also the occasion that she met another giant in the football world.

– I spit on Sir Alex Ferguson when I was four-five years old, ” says 24-year-old, before she breaks out in laughter and put his hands in front of your face.

CLOSE: Chinese Olsen Vedelden tells us that she is both mom – and pappadalt. Here she is pictured with her father in France in 1998. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

I remember it not even, it is mom who has retold the story. We were at a hotel, where dad had been in a meeting of any kind. I was obviously in a bit of a bad mood that day. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and when I opened it, spat on him, and closed it again. Mom and dad: “What happened now?”. It is not okay, ” she says, and laughs.

With a somewhat vague memory of what really happened, take the Newspaper, contact with a that may have a slightly clearer picture of the event:

hey Hey, yes, what is it?

– It is the Newspaper who is calling. We are left with an article about dattera di, Iran. She tells about an incident where she spat on Sir Alex Ferguson?

– He-he, yes … I remember it, ” says Egil Drillo Olsen, before it becomes quiet in a few seconds.

– a BIT EMBARRASSING: It was in connection with this meeting that the Chinese Olsen Vedelden “spat” on Ferguson. This is where the then general manager Egil Drillo Olsen (t.v.) on the Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson after the privatlandskampen against Denmark in Copenhagen in 1998. Photo: NTB Scanpix Show more

It was in connection with a match in Copenhagen. Ferguson was as a journalist for a tv or radio station, I believe to remember. Iran was three-and-a-half years old, and I had her in her arms when the knocking on the door. When I opened, she made a kind of ” geip against him while his tongue vibrated.

– a Little embarrassing was it, but no scandal. He took it okay, and it was an interview, he says, and laughs.

– Unknown to dad

“Mesternes”-the profile grew up in Nordstrand in Oslo together with his father and his mother, Sigrun Vedelden (60). Olsen Vedelden describes both of them as major supporters.

– When I started with the cheerleading, it was completely unknown to dad. I remember my first NM, where he got to see a video of me in the aftermath. He was very impressed. After it passed he larger interest, and he brags about that rule of mine in all possible settings, ” she says and smiles.

the Case continues under:

PROUD: Both mother Sigrun Vedelden and father Egil Drillo Olsen has supported dattera in their choice of sport. Here are the latter two photographed together at the Ullevaal stadium in 2010. Photo: Aftenposten / NTB Scanpix Show more

Was it important to get your father’s recognition?

For my part, there has probably been important to gain a certain recognition and acceptance from mom and dad – no matter what I have driven with. I know that he was not blodinteressert in cheerleading, but it was okay. What I needed was a pat on the back and a little support. And I had that as absolutely.

– Want to become a lawyer

the 21-year-old la Olsen Vedelden cheerleaderdrakta on the shelf for good. She began, after a short time at the law school in the capital.

It was actually a bit random. I felt that I had to study something, but didn’t know quite what. At the same time has jussen always been in the back of my mind. First year was okay, but now I love it. It is as it was with the cheerleadingen – immersive. I am very.

So did the NRK Riise-state

Where will you be in ten years?

– I would like to become a lawyer, but does not have a specific fancy, or an ambitious goal. I have no one in the family that has operated with a similar study before. It is really a little exciting. The whole family can relate themselves to the sport, while jussen do I very on your own.

Until further notice, she is, however, a total of ten former athletes who will fight for the title of “master leaderboard”.

One of the main reasons that I accepted, was to focus on the cheerleading. Most people think it seems cool, but they don’t really know quite what it is about, and how much is required. It is an intense sport, and it is unfortunate that we all the time need to take the “fighten” and defend that it actually is a sport. I would like to do something with.

Was just been a football professional when all finished private: – A time characterized by the lie