Samuel L. Jackson and LaTanya Richardson have been married for 39 years.
and LaTanya Richardson have been married since 1980. A couple is born 1982, daughter of Zoe .
Jackson didn’t want to be as much present in her daughter’s life.
LaTanya Richardson and Samuel L. Jackson on the red carpet in summer 2014. AOPLaTanya Richardson and Samuel L. Jackson in January 2019. AOP
my Father was never present, so for me it has been clear from the beginning that I have a role in your daughter’s life. He deserves two parents, Jackson has told.
Samuel L. Jackson has also told us that she trusts conrad to everything. Also wife trust their spouse.
This couple appeared in the summer of 1999. AOP
the couple met in college. Although työkuviot have taken both around the world, the relationship is preserved. Ariel comment Essencellä in an interview.
–whatever Happens, don’t let the sun go down on your anger upon. We say each other good night and that we love each other, LaTanya Richardson.
LaTanya Richardson and Samuel L. Jackson in June 2018. ZUMAWIRE/MVPHOTOS
a Good marriage a secret for both their ability to forget. Not all of the second screw to take out.