It will always be unwise to try to wise up on Zlatan Ibrahimovic’ next karrieretræk. For the 38-year-old eccentric is in the degree entirely its own.

Yet now wondered about the swede has kicked his last ball at the top.

It happens after he Monday had to be helped from the training with an injury, which is at best a minor hamstring, and in the worst case a akillesskade, that will potentially keep him out for months.

Several Italian media, tells how he kamplignende training was injured during a skudforsøg.

According to Corriere della Sera, he left træningsanlægget Milanello without crutches but with a dark mine, and Sky Sport Italia believe to know, that Milan fear a far skadesfravær, which stretches out over the impending end of contract.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic has earlier in the year had an injury in the same leg, tells the tv station’s reporter Peppe Di Stefano: ’He landed on the wrong with the weight of just the legs, which caused him problems in January and February’.

A closer examination in the morning to prepare, how serious the damage is.

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