Duchess Catherine leave the king family involved in hunting. In the video Catherine and Meghan outside after the service Sandringham.

the Royal family spent the christmas holidays Sandringham. One court of the old christmas traditions is the boxing day hunt to go. The british press according to the Meghan had forbidden Harry to participate in the tradition. Known for his animal friends, he can’t tolerate the tradition of this reason.

Catherine and Meghan’s tight between has been rumored for a long time. All Over Press

Harry, however, was involved in the hunt for his wife’s wishes despite. Now the Daily mail has published pictures of hunting also leave of the duchess of Catherine . According to the newspaper, Kate attended with her husband prince William with hunting eagerly. According to sources, Kate has even acquired his own gun hunting hobby.

He used regularly to shoot, when he was staying at Anmer Hall mansion and he’s become a very good shooter, the newspaper’s source told.

the Daily Mail website has published photos with Kate strain hunting prey obtained from birds. He is observing the actions of traditions, as in previous years the royal court, women have been visible in the role of with the hunt.

Meghan had a boycott, however, to participate in the hunting heritage that subsequent to the southwest. First child the expectant duchess arrived for lunch at the queen Elizabeth and prince Philip with in the same car.