TV In the One-fiction series ‘Undercover’ plays Elise Schaap (36) the naive Danielle. Is the Netherlands very different in life. She is fifteen years old, together with actor and mindfulnesstrainer Wouter de Jong (37), the father of her daughter, Ava (3,5). “I am already very grateful. But a second child is welcome,” she says in the Story.

Until recently, Elise Schaap a noble unknown in Flanders, but in her home country of the Netherlands, the actress already more than earned her spurs. She plays all four years of the Romanian internetbruid Ruxandra in the popular komedieserie ‘Family Kruys’ on RTL4, it soon emerges they have been included in Linda de Mols new film ‘April, May and June,’ and in the new comedy ‘What is love?”, and she imitates famous people in the program, ‘The TV Canteen’. ‘Undercover’ is her first Flemish production, and it tastes for more. “I found it incredibly comfortable on the set. I get a lot of heartwarming responses from my ‘neighbours’. Or I in the second season, will emerge, remains to be a surprise,” laughs Elise. “I hope more work on the Flemish television, because the offer is of high quality. In the Netherlands, there must be produced faster, and that is, unfortunately, sometimes brands.”

On the set of ‘Undercover’ was a happy reunion with some Dutch colleagues.

“Anna Drijver, who undercoveragente Kim De Rooij plays, I know for a very long time. She sat for a year at the theatre school in Amsterdam and we have both acted in the film ‘Bright Flight’. It feels very familiar again to her side to play. Also with Frank Lammers, my spouse Ferry in ‘Undercover’, I have already worked. We were both the understudy of the lead roles in the musical ” He Believes in me’, about André Hazes.”

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