Eksjö+ FÖLJEmelias horses were subjected to sexual övergreppNYHETER

In the last week, Emelia Kosel, 31, know that her horses were on the run. When she came to the stables, she understood that they had been the victim of a sexual assault, writes Today’s Vimmerby.

– It is awful. I do not understand how one can do such a thing, ” she says to Aftonbladet.

It was early on Thursday morning in last week as Emelia Kosel, 31, woke up, the phone rang. The neighbor to the stall that she rents in Hult, outside of Eksjö, told me that Emelias horses had escaped. Shortly thereafter, she was on the spot to capture them, reports Today’s Vimmerby.

– I reflected not so much over that stalldörrarna and boxdörren to lösdriften was open, ” says Emelia Kosel.

the Focus was on bringing home the horses, which at this point was standing in the neighbor’s garden. The horses that escaped had no visible injuries, and followed up to the paddock. One stallion, however, had småsår that got washed clean. He had kicked apart a part of the interior and Emelia began to suede.

– Then I found the condoms in the lösdriften. I understood that something had happened. At first I was just shocked.

1 of 2 | Photo: PrivatEmelia found the lube on the stona.”Unusual crime”

When she lifted the tail of stona, she discovered lubricants, and other signs of abuse.

– Then I called and reported him to the police throughout the incident, someone has been there and used them.

Police have previously said that the case is sensitive.

– this is an unusual offence and I do not know what the leader believes is appropriate for us to say or not, so I can’t comment on this, ” says the police presstalesperson Björn Öberg to the Jönköping-Posten.

Now, it’s been a few days since the discovery. But Emelia is still shocked and believes that it is important that other horse owners will know what happened.

– So that they can keep a bit track. It is extremely bad. I do not understand how one can do such a thing, ” she says.