Enedis warns of electricity meter fraud. The manager of the electricity distribution network says he is “informed of the use of his name and the identity of certain of his employees for fraudulent purposes”, in a press release published this Wednesday March 6. These frauds notably take the form of “dangerous and illegal modifications to its customers’ electrical panels, thus distorting their electricity consumption”.

Enedis “does not sell any product or service that would alter the integrity of its customers’ electrical panel in order to partially or totally reduce the amount to pay for the electricity they have consumed,” specifies the company. She also reminds that she “does not carry out any commercial canvassing” and that her interventions “are always the subject of a calling notice or an appointment previously agreed with the client”.

The network manager only takes care of the “electrical connection, the installation of Linky meters, the recording of electricity consumption, electrical troubleshooting following a power cut, and the commissioning of electricity contracts at demand from energy suppliers,” he recalls, calling on his customers to be cautious. If in doubt, customers are asked to inform Enedis by calling 09 70 83 19 70. It is also possible to alert the Fraud Repression Department (DGCCRF).

Customers who are knowingly complicit in fraud, aimed for example at distorting their electricity consumption, can also be convicted, Enedis recalls.