“Finland’s leaders have been sonderingsuppdrag”

“the Chairman of the Finnish social democrats, Antti Rinne, has formally received the assignment as regeringssonderare reports broadcasting company Yle.”

“the Decision taken by the parliamentary parties lost their leaders during the fredagsförmiddagen.”

“the News was expected, as the social democrats became the largest party in the election earlier this month.”

“After he scored sonderingsuppdraget sent Rinne ahead of the upcoming negotiations, a frågepaket to riksdagsgrupperna. Issues related to the various themes, including attitudes to global warming, Finland and the EU, economic sustainability – and, not least, the attitude to the protracted issue of a new social – and health care reform.”

“Antti Rinne has said he wants to have the parties answer at the latest on Tuesday 30 april. The goal is then to no later than 7 may be able to tell which parties he wants in a future government, and on the following day to initiate the formal government negotiations.”

‘ S won the election on the 19th of april, closely followed by the true finns and national Coalition party. The former ruling party, the Centre party came in fourth place.”