Mervi Kallio is facing some longer-term sick leave. Mervi Kallio can get right with permission pötkötellä the whole christmas. Antti nikkanen video a couple of years ago F1-the beginning of the season.

MTV3-channel sports reporter, formula one, facial Mervi Rock , 41, has been hospitalized.

Last January, across to go the ligaments heal, but tendon to get and ultimately went to the cross. Well now there is a new more sustainable, Cliff writes kipsinsä guarantee Instagram.

in the Picture he looks like a victory sign and a happy face, although the right leg of the package is quite hefty.

the Rock commends the surgeon and caregivers. The front has a few weeks of sick leave:

– Now get permission but to be waited on throughout the christmas and new year and even after that, Rock write.

If Instagram-embed does not appear, you can get it from this link.

Still, Sunday night Rock show host See the spirit of Christmas in concert to the actor Janne Virtanen . The program was described already in the pre – for the Rock was seen the same night also sports a screen.

If Instagram-embed does not appear, you can get it from this link.