Music Singer Frans Bauer (45), that five days ago his new feestnummer white lie released, has admitted that the song would be very similar to the number M eidengroep in 1983, was released for children for Children. Hans van Hemert (74) – the composer – to get half of the income of Bauers sing-along. That the two agreed with each other.

According to the SBS 6-entertainment 6 Inside have Bauer and Van Hemert recently least half an hour about the plagiaatzaak spoken. During that discussion would be no harsh words have fallen. However, it is determined that the proceeds of the song will be shared. With that settlement has Bauer actually admitted that the melody of white lie to music producer, composer and lyricist Van Hemert belongs and the text to another.

Bauer got the number a while ago, skewed by Jeffrey Weber, the son of singer Marianne Weber. “He called me and said ‘I’ve got something new and nice for you,” said Bauer is excited to Omroep Brabant. Jeffrey wrote in the past all the songs for well known Dutch artists such as his mother, John the Beaver, Grad Damen, and Roxeanne Hazes. Why Marianne’s son to a large part inspired by the song girl group and it is actually largely, and with the necessary risks copied, is unknown. Weber is also responsible for the text.

Van Hemert – the mastermind behind the girl group Luv, and responsible for hits from, among others, Mouth & McNeal, Liesbeth List and Ramses Shaffy – declared earlier this week that it is a one-to-one copy. “Bauer has the borrowed, yes, or stolen, whatever you call want to”, he told Shownews. Legal steps were according to him not yet to the order. This had Van Hemert still considering. “If anyone says to me: “yes, that is just a copy”, then I must be something.” Frans Bauer stated initially very happy with the song and the positive reactions. “If you something new comes up and it is so embraced by the Netherlands, then that is a lot of fun.”

Listen below to the songs white lie and girl group