Good news+ FÖLJPRESENTERAS AVFridas kitchens are extra open – plogarna: ”They are everyday heroes”Photo: PrivatGODA NEWS

After all, Jämtland, covered with snow, saw Frida Slånstam how the hateful comments against plogarna began to grow on social media.

She decided to fight the hatred – with mooni sports.

– They deserve a little extra love, ” says Frida Slånstam to Aftonbladet.

Östersundsbon Frida Slånstam, 30, had half a meter of white blanket outside their stugdörr when she woke up on Sunday. And she was not alone in it., anything Containing the written about.

The hefty amounts of snow that has fallen over Jämtland during the weekend have created a lot of sad faces..

– Plogarna get so much negative comments and I would therefore like to draw attention to them. They deserve a little extra love, ” says Frida, who runs a kitchen in central Östersund.

On Sundays she has really closed, but today the doors are open from morning Betpas to late evening.

– I’ll still be here and julstöka, so then I fit in to be open to everyone who is cleaning so that they can get in on the free coffee. And so that I can show my appreciation in this small way I can do, ” says Frida.

1 of 2 | Photo: PrivatFrida offers plogarna on coffee: ”these heroes do a lot of jobs”To meet the negative – with love

at the same time that Frida made the Jansson’s temptation and made a mess in the kitchen has the door opened then and then of plogare who crave a little heat and mooni sports.

– They were very happy and we could sit down and drink tea and eat buns together, ” says Frida, and continues:

– They work inconvenient hours and are doing so ambulances can arrive and so that we can get to our jobs. They are real everyday heroes.

Gingerbread, saffransbullar and coffee, it has been invited on. And Frida feels satisfied with how the day has become.

– I will be very happy about the reactions from the plogarna and from people on Facebook. It is nice to be able to face all this negative with love and positivity.