the Sinead O’connor
The ethereal voice and the mesmerizing “Nothing Compares With You” has remained for ever in the imagination of the rock. The irish singer that became famous thirty years ago with that song suspended signed Prince then path to a life of artistic ups and downs. But now, after some years of retirement from the scenes, the artist from the character of punk and crystalline talent is once again protagonist with a live tour that offers his anthology that ranges between accents, folk and even other areas of the sound. Here are the dates of the concerts in Italy.
16 Pordenone (Capitol) 18 Parma (Campus Industry Music), 19 Torino (Hiroshima Mon Amour).

Nicola Piovani
The Oscar-winning composer for the soundtrack of life is beautiful sets the scene for his wide repertoire in a recital baptized music is dangerous. A rich journey that brings together fragments from the not for money, Not love nor to heaven, and the History of an employee, the two albums by Fabrizio De André with the music written by Piovani.
1 , 2 and 3 Rome (Auditorium Music Park)

the Young and roll singer-songwriter of the new scene-it-pop, Flavio Pardini – the true name of the roman artist – is ready to go with the Post-Punk Tour in arenas in italy. The slogan recalls the title of the album has made known to Gazelles to the public of the thirties and of the millennials. The merit of the songs Above, All the life and Sparks strong a push melody as much as rhythm. In addition to a certain dose of irony.
15 Florence (Nelson Mandela Forum), 18 Assago Milan (Forum), 24 Catania (PalaCatania), 28 Rome (PalaSport). And in February, continues.

Niccolò Fabi
You might consider a sort of blind date. The word of the roman songwriter, who on the boa of the quarter of a century of artistic life is preparing to leave for a long tour in the theatres. At the center of the ladder to the new work, Tradition, and Betrayal, on the strength of songs that redefine the coordinates of the pop of the author as I am the other. But can’t miss the pearls of the past, remote or recent. Maybe like the Hair or Leave a day in Rome.
7 Udine (Teatro Nuovo Giovanni da Udine), 8 Trento (Teatro Auditorium Santa Chiara), 10 Bologna (Teatro Europauditorium), 11 Firenze (the Teatro Verdi), 12 Torino , (Colosseo Theatre), 13 Genoa (Politeama Genovese), the 19 and 20 Rome (Auditorium Parco della Musica), 21 Naples (Teatro Augusteo), 22 Bari (Theatre Team), and 24 Ancona (Theatre of The Muse), 25 Assisi (Teatro Lyrick), 29 Bergamo (Teatro Creberg), the 30 Parma (Teatro Regio).

Giovanni Allevi
The rebel of the classic pop sets the scene for the album Hope and his anthology of hits. A tsunami of sounds that have changed the cards on the table to contemporary music, pushing the boundaries and discovering new territories.
5 Roma (Auditorium Conciliazione), 11 Torino (Colosseo Theatre), 12 Alexandria (Theatre of Alexandria).

Paolo Fresu
The prince of jazz reads his Chet Baker, a true legend of the music of the Twentieth century, who among other things has lived and played for a long time in Italy. Among the accomplices of Fresu on the stage stand out Dino Rubino on piano and Marco Bardoscia to the double bass.
8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Cagliari (Teatro Massimo), 13 Sassari (city Theatre), 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 Roma (Auditorium Parco della Musica), 23 Cremona (Ponchielli Theatre), 28, 29, 30, 31 Torino (Carignano Theatre).

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