The outgoing boss of M6 Nicolas de Tavernost assured Friday that the channel would take its “responsibilities” regarding Stéphane Plaza, depending on the judgment of this star host accused of violence against two former companions. “We did what was necessary in the internal investigation, at (the production group) Mediawan and at M6. On a professional level, there was no reproach that could justify his sidelining, that’s clear and clear,” declared Nicolas de Tavernost before the Association of Media Journalists. “On a personal level, there will be a judgment and we will take our responsibilities,” added the chairman of the management board of the M6 ​​group, who must hand over the reins on April 23 to David Larramendy, current director of M6 Publicité.

Stéphane Plaza, real estate agent popularized by his various shows on M6, will be tried by the criminal court at the end of the summer for physical and/or psychological violence. Placed under judicial supervision pending his trial, he firmly denied these accusations. “We are not police officers, we are not judges, we look, we are very attentive,” added Nicolas de Tavernost.

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The accusations against this real estate expert began in September, with the publication by Mediapart of the testimonies of three former partners, who denounced “humiliation, threats, verbal violence and, for two of them, physical violence”. The investigative site also mentioned “problematic behavior on the part of the facilitator in a professional context”. Nicolas de Tavernost recalled having dismissed in the past a juror from the show “France has an incredible talent”, the Canadian Gilbert Rozon, as well as the French actor Ary Abittan, ousted from a series after being accused of rape . “Both were cleared”, notably Ary Abittan in first instance on Tuesday, he noted, confiding that having removed them from the air was not the thing “of which (he is) most proud”.

In the case of Stéphane Plaza, “there is no complaint of rape”. And, according to the boss of M6, “when you take someone off the air and if they are subsequently cleared, it is horribly difficult to put them back on”. Stéphane Plaza became a star of the small screen when M6 propelled him in 2006 to the head of the show “Research apartment or house” then “Maison à vente” (2007) and “Chasseurs d’appart” (2015 ). Regularly named the French’s favorite presenter, he is one of the sure values ​​of M6, bringing together several million viewers with his various programs. But leaving it on the air does not involve “economic questions”, assured Nicolas de Tavernost.