Games No hey, not a post-apocalyptic world! Darksiders III starts fairly cliché and quite boring, but that is just an illusion. Those who are a bit doorbijt, will be treated to a tasty derdepersoonsavontuur full of old-fashioned hack-n-slashactie.

The game is not error-free, but given the turbulent history, it is already a punishment that Darksiders III there actually is. Predecessor Darksiders II from the studio Vigil Games was our very charming in 2012, but publisher THQ then went bankrupt. The studio was not a transferee, but THQ Nordic – the former Nordic Games secured the rights to the series. Many employees of the original Darksiders -team were then able to the new game and finishing in their new studio, Gunfire Games.

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The story of Darksiders III doesn’t really have anything to do with the previous games, been playing everything on in the same universe. While in the first stories, respectively, War and Death, two horsemen of the apocalypse, the service accounted for, it is now the turn to a third party, Fury. The female lead pulls with a rothumeur and a powerful whip to the Earth to the embodiments of the seven deadly sins to defeat. No, in terms of bombast must, this game is not inferior to the predecessors.