“Göran Persson & GW have miljonaffär together”

“Leif GW Persson: He is quite cunning, can be any good.”

“Leif GW Persson and Göran Persson buy into the same company.”

“Polisprofessorn go in with four million and the former prime minister with two million.”

“– He’s quite the slug. This indicates that there may be something good that you have jumped on, says Leif GW Persson and Göran Persson.”

“Leif GW Persson has a nose for business are well known. Mästerkriminologen the past in the Aftonbladet talked about their interest in finding small, innovative Swedish companies before they reach the exchange. What has he done now also. It is about miljöteknikbolaget Triboron which listed on the stock exchange in april. The Swedish company has a technology that is added to fuel to vehicles will use less fuel and reduce emissions. “

“Leif GW Persson: ”We hang out, not anymore””

“GW may, in addition, the company of former prime minister Göran Persson, who invests through his company Pegroco Invest. Persson’s interest is similar to GW’s, when his company invests in smaller and medium-sized unlisted Swedish companies. But the news that both Persson and Persson bet on the same companies will come as a surprise to GW:”

“– That I did not know about. It was a little fun actually. He has become environmentally conscious in your old age, ” he says to Aftonbladet.”

“He knows that Göran Persson is doing business, sitting in different boards and that he invested a lot in wind power.”

“– But we hang out no longer. We did it at the time, then I worked left. Then was seen, both socially and professionally. But I think it’s fun with his interest in the environment.”

“– Then he is also quite shrewd. The business, he has understood the. It is not all that, but he has it. So it is for the benefit of the company, I imagine, ” says Leif GW Persson.”

“of”Fun to GW and Göran Persson takes environmental responsibility ‘”

“Pär Krossling, ceo of Triboron, is aware that the attention surrounding his company increases when a kriminolog and a former prime minister makes miljonsatsningar.”

” It will be an exposure of the brand. Then it’s fun for everyone to know that even GW and Göran Persson takes its environmental responsibilities. It is clear that GW are not doing this just because he thinks it’s great for the environment, he also see it as a good investment opportunity, ” says Krossling.”

“FACT: Leif GW Persson about their business.”