By 2030 the CO2 emissions by 55%, reduce energy efficiency by 45% increase, 60% of electricity from renewable sources achieve, there are 80,000 additional jobs and 2% additional sustainable growth path. These are the objectives of the pact 2030 that Green this afternoon has presented. The party is arguing that the financial picture of the plan is correct and even for 2 billion euros in return can yield.

The integrated climate plan Green includes concrete steps up to 2030 using six routing paths and dozens of measures. “We provide for every routepad also social accompanying measures to ensure that the invoice is not in the low-and middle-income flow and vulnerable groups to be supported”, stressed president Meyrem Almaci.

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in terms of mobility, the fiscal support for salariswagens replaced by a mobiliteitsbudget for each employee. The tax beneficial regime for the fuel card disappears already next year, the benefits for the salariswagen be by 2022, reduced. The prices in the public transport network are frozen. “By 2025 there are 100,000 seats on the train, by 2030 we will go for a reduction of the pendeltijd with 30%”, said Flemish party leader Björn Rozska. The budget for cycling infrastructure from the web.

In the routepad nature is going Green for a real betonstop and kernverdichting. At 2030 there are 10,000 hectares of forest so that everyone has a forest, on a maximum of five kilometers of the home.

Phasing out fossil and nuclear energy

energy is used on energy efficiency and the electrification of heat and transport and the phase-out of fossil and nuclear energy. Unnecessary costs from the energy bill will be lifted, making a total of 100 million won and the social energietarief, announced Kamerfractieleider Kristof Calvo. Zonnedelen is promoted.

The routepad live provides a tripling of the renovation rate, the additional support for rental housing and low incomes and the renovation of social housing, so that the energy consumption decreases. Every citizen gets a renovatieportefeuille.

Green also wants with the industry, a ‘green deal’ exit for a climate-neutral transition. The funding of the energy cost (over 350 million) is being phased out and the reform of the European ETS system in 2024 should the free allowances on the kick. Belgium should be a frontrunner in the circular economy, plastic waste is reduced. This industrial transition will need 11,000 additional jobs.

What food is concerned, should the livestock be finished, be used on local culture and on agricultural land for farmers. There is a climate fund for independent farmers, while the aim is to attract to 1,500 additional jobs in the organic farming.