Transport, building, agriculture, industry… no sector will escape it: France presents Monday its plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, which will involve the mobilization of all to try to curb the acceleration of warming. This “action plan” will be unveiled at 3 p.m. by Élisabeth Borne before the National Council for Ecological Transition (CNTE), an advisory body bringing together civil society actors on these subjects (NGOs, unions, employers, parliamentarians, etc.). ).
France intends to reduce its emissions by 55% in 2030 compared to 1990 levels, in accordance with European commitments, which means reducing them twice as fast as today. The country, which emitted 408 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent last year, is aiming for 270 million in 2030. To achieve this, the plan mobilizes all the levers deemed “credible”, with objectives set sector by sector (industry, transport, construction, agriculture, energy, waste, etc.).
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Transport, the leading source of emissions in France (around a third of the total), and housing (18% of emissions, residential and tertiary combined) have the greatest margins for progress. Carpooling, electrification of vehicles, replacement of oil and gas boilers… the Prime Minister, in charge of ecological planning with, at her side, a specially dedicated general secretariat, will detail her avenues, some already started, others still to formalize.
The government is looking for a form of “equity” in the efforts to be made, however, stressed a source at Matignon: “the little ones do a little, the big ones do a lot and everyone does their part”. The year 2022 has been the hottest ever recorded in France since 1900. While the effects of climate change are accelerating in the world, France must also launch its new adaptation strategy on Tuesday, to deal with a warming that could reach 4 degrees there by the end of the century.