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Extra Magazine’s predictions

V75-1: 10-4-1-5
V75-2: 8-13
V75-3: 6-5-11-3-1-10
V75-4: 1 (14-15)
V75-5: 5-6-1-9
V75-6: 2 (4-12)
V75-7: 3-10-5-2
384 crowns

Note: Horses in the brackets are reserveheste to ensure the winners on spilforslaget. Take a førstereserve with double the price. Take both of the reserves in a run, then tripled the price.

Today’s scam: Gordon Mearas (1 in V75-1) has Svante Båth even with his V75 proposal, and it understands you well. The horse has previously shown great strength, and from startspor a similar to it is surely a sensible race.

(1 in V75-4) has previously been shown that it has the potential to get right up in the elite among koldblodstraverne. From this startspor and against these competitors, I don’t think the loses.

Tips: Mogens Jensen

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Hanna Olofsson has a quintet with V75-races, Saturday has Norrbottens Stora Price as the main course.

Hanna, however, has no horses to start in the main round, but the five horses in the other race in the big millionspil.

– How does it affect the horses, that they need to out at home?

– All of my horses are affected positively. They know the track and they know where the finish line is. I think that it is wonderful that the V75 comes to the Stall, so should I not run as far. Other do I need to run 1000 miles up and back to run.

the First horses on the program is Satellite L. A. (5 in V75-1). It has five times in a row been on the rostrum.

– Satellite L. A. is a really hædershest, as always does what it can. In the last start was the tired, but the ending, after all a close second.

– the Pitch was too heavy and did not fit the horse. I already knew after a game, that it would be tired. The day we saved hovene and ran with shoes.

Now get it again without shoes, and it thrives the best. If the pitch becomes fine, so it should go a good race again, and then we shall see how far it goes. It has the benefit of close starts. Tracks five in volten is not optimal, but it should not cause problems. It tends not to gallop. It is o.k. from the start, and should get a good ranking. Distancemæssigt is the multi-purpose, but to 2640 meters is no advantage.

In the V75-2 harnesses the barn, three horses out.

Clear Eyes (6 V75-2) comes with top condition. The races were last, after a small pause, and it should be passed forward in the form. The feeling is that I ran the victory away at the latest, when I slap a competitor out too early. I had a little too much faith in my horse’s speed and lost the race on it. Magnus A. Djuse, who is running, has run several times in the past and it has worked fine. I don’t think we have any topchancer in the V75, but this is the best chandce. Clear Eyes is the of my startheste, as I take in the ‘5 tips V75’. Usual wagon and without shoes, which last, says Hanna Olofsson.

Georgeous L. A. (9 V75-2) started in the Elitloppet weekend. The run I even on Saturday, and it can row to win, if the have a good day. It is a humørhest. The have a good day, where it is quick, and so the ranks of the far. It is the same balance equipment that will last.

My ace up its sleeve is that Örjan Kihlström running it. Is there anyone who can solve impossible tasks, it is him,

La Norna (14 in V75-2) got a bad startspor. Bagspor with the supplement is not optimal. The risk is that it ends up far down in the field, and away goes the rarely of good races. My ace in the sleeve is that Örjan Kihlström running it. Is there anyone who can solve impossible tasks, it is him. Usual, sulky and still without shoes.

(3 V75-5) won a race outside V75-game on this day two years ago. But since it has not been back in the winners ‘ circle.

the Latest was the second in a montéløb.

– It is fast and should get a good position. The miss top shape, so it will be hard to win. We have reported, because there are great prizes to be won at home. It will be without shoes and with amerikanersulky, says Hanna Olofsson.

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