A year after passing the torch to Sophie Binet, Philippe Martinez returns to the media and political ring. The former general secretary of the CGT will be the guest of C l’Hebdo broadcast this Saturday evening on France 5. “Government, RN… Philippe Martinez makes his return to

Invited to give his vision of the political spectrum, the former number 1 of the Montreuil central office points out the responsibility of the Head of State in the current popularity of the nationalist right. Emmanuel Macron “is partly largely responsible” for the rise of the National Rally, accuses Philippe Martinez. He recalls in passing that the President had declared “during the first election: ‘it is I who will push back the National Front'”, while “it is they who are placed at the top of the polls in the European elections”. His role ? Having spoken of “national preference”, a favorite theme of Marine Le Pen’s party, and having instituted the immigration law “which again plays into the hands of the extreme right”, accuses Philippe Martinez.

Also read At the CGT, Sophie Binet adopts a more threatening style than before

Always a convinced CEGIST, Philippe Martinez did not fail to also attack the social policy of the executive. “The government and the President of the Republic always try to pit those who don’t have much against those who have nothing at all,” he comments about the next unemployment insurance reform. tightening the rules for obtaining employment to encourage a return to employment. “On the other hand, when a CEO of a major automobile brand (Carlos Tavares, he then admits) earns several tens of millions of euros, no one says anything… The unemployed are treated as lazy. I don’t know any professionally unemployed people. Retirees are also paid to do nothing and civil servants don’t work much,” he jokes.