Radio gala occasion in bold color mixer and palates.Radio gala of the stars told his IL-TV on the red carpet.
radio gala on the red carpet to see the radio sector in the cream covered beauties. Style choices were fascinated to, inter alia, rohken have across been to enchanted Jenni Alexandrova , in a personal style in a snap been Veronica Veil as well as glitter outfit posing by Norman Garfield , which live in the exposed left of the presenter’s stomach.
See image below consists of radio’s gala the most amazing outfits.
Shirly Garfield belly blinking was elegant in a silver glitter dress. Atte Kajova Alexandrova knocked out all the silver glitter outfit, which was the head of a pin slit. Atte KajovaHeidi Finland represented an elegant black outfit. Atte KajovaIskelmän presenter fairy Tale Kotonen delighted in the orange dream-to live in, which was the artists themselves. Atte kajova to execute the Butterfly was a pink dream-outfit, which the trick had decollete neckline. Atte KajovaMojovasti presenter colleague to fall to his Trick Berglundia red carpet kiss If the river system was seen in a black lace outfit. Atte KajovaNiina backman’s red haalariasu turn heads. Atte KajovaHeidi Sohlberg trusted black deep-the outfit, which was partially translucent. Atte KajovaJekku berglund’s outfit was white’s dream – and a surprise kiss If the river system with the red carpet shocking. Atte KajovaVeronica Curtain trusted gala street fair in personal, orange and a bit opaque, but the dress and beautiful flower decoration in her hair. Atte Kajova