Christmas 2018+ FÖLJHemgjord mustard recipe – so do you do the homemade mustard with this simple receptetFoto: ThinkstockHemgjord mustard makes a great going away gift for christmas.FOOD & DRINK

Mustard is for many an essential accessory on christmas. So why not make your very own, home-made mustard this year? Here is a simple recipe for a delicious mustard.

Is there anything tastier than a slice of nygriljerad ham on knäckemacka and so a hearty dollop of mustard? And best of all, it is, of course, with homemade mustard. If you want you can easily flavor it with, for example, chili, honey or rasp from the lemon or orange. Happen to be too strong you can always mix it with crème fraîche or sour cream.

Homemade mustard

Servings : Gives about 3.5 ml mustard Preparation time : 10 minutes cook time : 10 min


1 dl mustard powder

1 tablespoon flour

3 tablespoons sugar

1 milliliter of salt

7,5 cl of water

1 tablespoon vinegar

1,5 dl whipping cream

Mix up Romabet senapspulvret, flour, sugar, and salt in a heavy-bottomed saucepan.

Stir in the water, ättikspriten and vispgrädden.

Let the ingredients boil for one minute of constant stirring in the pot.

Take the pan from the plate. Whisk the batter with electric mixer until smooth.

Fill in jars and let stand in the fridge for at least 24 h before serving.

Serve and enjoy your homemade mustard with family and friends.