Summer trips to the hospital got a Sampo Kaulanen to change their lifestyles.Sampo Kaulanen tell medication.

10 kg weight loss in five months was actually a longer process than just five months.

Three years ago I began for the first time drop down in weight, but all that is left is always to come back, I’ve been jojoilu, now to 79.4 pounds Kaulanen told the evening newspaper.

This Sampo Kaulanen looked like in August. Timo Lindholm

Survive-filming weight dropped 13 pounds, but all come back when Kaulanen returned to Finland and everyday life.

Kaulanen personal trainer Laura Finch had long instructed from the Neck to eat and move properly, but the final impetus was born for the village grocer to the hospital during the trip. Kaulanen in the hospital for mental health problems.

–a Hospital kick äässille, something needs to be done. With the shrink talk, I thought, that could shape up physically. ADHD-lääkityksesta bag is that its with the suitable alcohol, so alcohol is left. No alcohol right anyway I me fit.

Kaulanen no alcohol for failing to make bigger numbers. It just is left not even with food be taken.

–Forties darrat can last half a week and then not come sports.

Sports and healthy food are the key.

–we Are Mint (wife Michelle ”Mint” Kaulanen) we are both skarpaneet food. Before I liked greasy food, and I could share some video clips mättöannoksia. Now the most important thing is, as corny as it sounds, pure raw materials, and that food not being forced into the cream. The salad is really good!

a Recent image shows Sampo Kaulanen lifestyle change.

Something Kaulanen motivation to tell his enthusiasm to go to the gym, which is located in Levi. Miles to accumulate the car to the meter over 110 when Kaulanen run to the gym and back.

the hall of the village traders use 2-3 times a week.

–To move is hard. While jogging it to relax anyway. Jogging or something to try every day to do, and if you don’t feel like an hour to move, then move even if only a quarter of an hour, as long as something gets done.

Kaulanen I hope that this time the pounds won’t come back.

–let’s leave that lifestyle change is permanent.