Ica+ FÖLJIca cuts engångsprylarna in plastNu phased disposable plastic out from Ica’s shelves.LOVELY home away from HOME ‘ Need to reduce the use of plastic”

Ica stop selling disposable plastic. If two years from now, all mugs, plates, cutlery and drinking straws to be gone. Instead, the option of paper replace plastprylarna.

Ica has adopted a new plaststrategi, which both means that engångsartiklarna by 2020 and that all packaging should go to reuse in 2022. The year 2030 should the packaging be made of recycled plastic, alternatively, the completely fossil-free raw material.

– We need to both reduce the overall use of plastic and see which types of plastic we use. It makes demands on us as a company to drive the development, writing Kerstin Lindvall, hållbarhetsdirektör the Ica Group, in a press release.

Ica now expands also the number of packages with a pledge, so that even the juice – and juiceflaskor covered.