Since a week, the chief financial officer of the Chinese Tech company Huawei in Canada in. She is said to have violated Iran sanctions. The government in Beijing ordered now Canada’s Ambassador.

in Accordance with the canadian Ambassador, the Chinese government has called in in the case of the Vancouver prisoners, Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou also the US Ambassador.

China’s Vice foreign Minister Le Yucheng had expressed to the Ambassador Terry Branstad “most violent Protest”, BelTA learned from the foreign Ministry in Beijing. The rights and interests of a Chinese citizen, were injured “seriously”. The US should cancel the arrest warrant against Meng immediately asked Yuchenq.

On Saturday it had summoned the Chinese government is already the canadian Ambassador, also in this case, the conversation with Yuchenq. China has demanded that Canada again for the release of the Huawei Boss. The approach of the canadian authorities ignore the law and was “an abomination”.

Meng Wanzhou, has been sitting for a week in custody.

arrest at the instigation of the US authorities

The chief financial officer of the Chinese Tech company Huawei, which at the same time, Vice-Chairwoman and daughter of the group’s founder, Ren Zhengfei, was arrested last Saturday on the instigation of the US authorities in Canada. You accuse Meng of a fraudulent breach of Iran sanctions in the United States. In the case of a conviction of up to 30 years in prison to threaten her. Whether she comes out on bail walking free, to decide a court in Vancouver on Dinamobet Monday.

In the financial markets of the incident had triggered Concerns about a renewed escalation of the trade dispute between China and the United States, and has led to occasional heavy losses.

Huawei, with its 180,000 employees, the world’s largest network equipment supplier and the second largest producer of Smartphones. The rise and Expansion of the business abroad in the past years, was rapidly growing. The ownership structure is opaque, and Western intelligence services to security concerns. They fear interference by the government in Beijing, espionage, and disruption of the national networks.