Film After a successful first animated film flies Maya the In around in the short television in ‘Maya 2: The Honingspelen’. And that is the most famous in the world still very popular, it was late afternoon, with brands at the premiere in Kinepolis Antwerp.

In ‘Maya 2: The Honingspelen’ Maya, her boyfriend Willy and a whole bunch of new insectenvriendjes everything for the honor of their hive to defend it during the annual Honingspelen. They have it in several tests against the team of Violet. If they play to lose, should the basket the entire honey harvest from that year to give it to the great empress of Buzztropolis. Team Maya this play can win?

as in the previous film grants Free Souffriau again her voice to Maya. “It is a figure where I particularly happy. Especially because it is so beautifully drawn with bright colours and round shapes.” Also Gert Verhulst, James Cooke, Kürt Rogiers and Jani Kazaltzis to hear in this print. ‘Maya 2: The Honingspelen ” plays from 19 december in the cinema.