Showbiz It happened: Sam De Bruyn has a broske. This morning, Friday 22 march, coasted listener Lobke in the Qmusic-ochtendshow the hair of Sam. It was a special moment, because the 28-year-old She is currently in treatment for breast cancer.

“I wanted to Sam-his hair come off, because I have that very solidarity would find for me and my peers. I had long hair, but at the beginning of February I have to shave off. That is with a smile and tear happened. Most people see me with my wig, but for Sam I’m going to make an exception,” said She. William, the husband of Sam, was the greatest opponent of the broske, but had his words back when Sam, Heidi and Wim him called: “I must say that I was pleasantly surprised. I think it’s not bad. I can live with that.” Sam himself was surprised by the result: “I can See there are not suddenly more mature?”

Sam told last Monday that he broske wanted. Morning colleagues, Heidi Van Tielen and Wim Oosterlinck called, therefore, a binding ‘popular referendum’ in life. On all possible online channels of Qmusic, listeners could cast their vote: please keep Sam, his haircut, or is it a broske? With a narrow majority decided the Q-listeners that Sam-his hair off it went.