Jessica Simpson told me his family had grown a baby girl. Long pregnant Jessica Simpson and husband Eric Johnson in Hollywood in January 2019. AOP

and her husband Eric Johnson received on Tuesday a baby girl.

Simpson share on Wednesday, a picture of the new family member, who was named Birdie Mae Johnson .

If the embed does not appear, you can look at the picture here.

the Simpson-Johnson family is now three children. Birdie Mae is the couple’s youngest and youngest daughter. The middle one is five years old daughter, Ace and his firstborn son, Maxwell Drew is six years old.

Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson are getting married in 2014.

Singer simpson’s life was closely monitored in the early 2000s, and in particular his and Nick Lacheyn in a tumultuous relationship. Also in finland, the show was Lovebirds -the tv series, which Simpson and Lachey starred.

Jessica Simpson archive footage in September 2002. AOP