Musician, Juno said its things its wrong.Juno recalls with instagram at dead friend. Jukka Lehtinen

Juno wrote yesterday, instagram was the epitaph of a dead friend, rapper Atte Toikasta. The epitaph in the context of Juno released a photo of the euro shopper’s ES-energy drink. Image selection angered and Juno were accused of mauttomuudesta.

I’m sorry if the previous post I hurt my close friends or fans. I mean no disrespect to anyone, but to express myself wrong. Rest in peace Atte, Juno writes today published update.

the Image is Toikka song Remains above -the promotional image. You can see a picture of this one, too.

Juno also remove the previous image.

Toikka was linked to younger age ES-energy drink. It all started when Toikka and his friends posing for their rap-mentally IRC-gallery jakamassaan in the picture.

Picture left to live their own lives and Toikasta made rich, the jokes, the ”Place-memes”.

I don’t know where the other Where the name comes from. I sometimes find some on the internet and I was wondering them, Toikka himself told Teleported-published some years ago.

Then he seemed to Sing the vagabonds -configuration.

Toikka had made rap music for a long time, and sang of the hobo in addition, he was known for among others Black-List-band.

recently, he made solo, and January 3. day, he released a fresh Further to the above song.

juno’s career had to end – the mind is changed and he opened in November, during a flying video at the reasons for the decision.