Actor Kari Hietalahti has shared Instagram page for nostalgic photos.

Actor Kari Hietalahti has been cohabiting costume designer Minnie Härkönen with already more than 30 years. Followers delight Hietalahti has shared a picture from 1999. In the picture Minnie and Kari smiling for the camera.

Young age I knew how to tie a tie. Me and Minnie Crime and Love-a movie premiere, Hietalahti is the author of picture you get tea.

the Image has received a huge amount of likes on social media. Also the commentators are enthusiastic about the pictures. Actor Jukka Rasila is, for example, commented:

for a Second you ain’t my eyes changed.

Kari ”Hissu” Hietalahti, 54, to Give the magazine a couple I met once in Savonlinna.

I just Saw is gone, no long relationship secret. We have met already in high school in Savonlinna, and grown up together. We’re pretty earthy types, we don’t watch each other’s makings, the actress pondered Anna.

Also in the evening press was on the scene in 1999, Minnie, and Karin arrive at the premiere. KARI VALLEY