Kim Larsen realized that getting to screw a hit together, and much to suggest that the author Jens Andersen and the Danish newspaper Politiken’s Forlag is by making him the art.

In any case is the book ‘Kim Larsen – in My young years’ on the road to becoming the great julehit, as the publisher must have calculated with, when they took a chance and printed the book in a record circulation of 100,000 copies.

Kim Larsen lived, as you know, the last several years in the centre of Odense together with his wife, Liselotte, and in Odense, the interest has been quite overwhelming, from the minute the book went on sale early Tuesday morning.

– It is excellent. Half of our books were already sold by pre-order, so I had to hurry me to send a new order of the place, so I can get more books in the store and hopefully keep the whole christmas. It’s crazy, says the store manager of Pia Hansen of the Book & Idea in Kongensgade, in the center of Odense.

– People stood in queues from the early morning, and it was nice. It is certainly not every day it happens. And there have been a great many queries on the. It says a bit about how great it is.

It has cost me a small forest life, to Kim Larsen’s life story was in the press. 100,000 copies are printed in the first place, and much to suggest that they are not allowed to gather dust in the bookstores. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

Danish celebrity – 4. dec. 2018 – at. 13:36 Before the music: Kim Larsen’s big dream came in the sink

do you Think it is, because your store is in the Kim Larsen’s hometown?

– Yes, maybe. But I think it is at least equally important that it is published with the family’s consent, and that he himself participated. And so it is also important that it is Jens Andersen, as people know, who is the author behind, says Pia Hansen.

In Copenhagen was Jens Andersen walks past one of the city’s great bookstores – Politiken’s Bookstore on Marsbahis the square.

Also here one can clearly notice that the combination of Jens Andersen, who has written earlier crown prince Frederik-the biography ‘Under the bar’, and Denmark’s probably most popular singer all the time can get people to the pockets.

– It is gone excellent, and it has been overwhelming to feel the great love people have for him. There has been a very special atmosphere about it, and it has almost worked, as though some were nervous for not being able to reach to grab it, says boghandlerchef Christina Thiemer.

Kim Larsen is already in most people’s record collections. Now he moves on bogreolerne. Photo: Per Lange

According to her, there are no books just now, that can reach Larsen-the biography to size

– Susse Wold-book, which was also put very much up to, also sells really good, but not at all in the vicinity of Kim Larsen, who on the day of its release sold four times as much, says Christina Thiemer.

the Author and the musician – Jens Andersen and Kim Larsen. Private

DK MusikNYT – 4. dec. 2018 – at. 00:00 Larsen’s triumph: to Make the hit from the grave

In the Smiling City has bookstores also no need to hide the fact that they are well satisfied to have got a genuine bestseller on the shelves in December.

– The seller is certainly a great good. We have had many pre-orders, and people also come in off the street and buy it. It seems that there are very many who have read about it. It is really popular, and it is without a doubt one of the julehitsene in the year. And we have made sure to have plenty in the shop, says the store manager of Dong Thao Global from the Book & Idea on the shopping street in Aarhus.

At Arnold Busck in Ryesgade, Aarhus inform you also, that you expect that it will be one of this year’s big sællerter.

In the Book & Idea on Østeraa in Aalborg has one Wednesday exceptionally busy in the store – among other things, with that long Kim Larsen-books over the disk.

– It goes absolutely fantastic with the sale today, and it did it also yesterday, says Lone Larsen briefly, before she must rush back to the customers in the store.

See also: Kim Larsen brutally honest about infidelity in new book