Kirsi Alm-Isopod was expelled from school twice.Kirsi Alm-Isopod rebelled violently in his youth. Timo Korhonen / AOP

news anchor Kirsi Alm-Isopod tell MeNaiset magazine, how he was opposed to the youth authority, and become erotuksin from school twice.

I Skipped as much as I could and I didn’t do my homework. It left the authority of the opposition. I was insecure and shark attention. I put the matches the door lock casing so that the teacher from the class. I had to take care of such a thing, when others did not dare, Na-Yeah-says We a Woman.

Alm-Yeah-got house arrest, but they did not help.

I Started to run away from home, and the cops take me in.

a middle school principal said Alm-Siiralle, that as long as he stops screwing around, he can become anything.

in the End the market turmoil Lp-Siiran get to the end, and he began to go to school and raise the average.

Source: MeNaiset