
Title: Princess Claire Assists Queen Paola in Awarding Youth Inclusion Prizes

Queen Paola of Belgium presented the youth inclusion and training awards from her foundation on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. Once again, Queen Paola had the support of her daughter-in-law, Princess Claire, to reward four inclusion projects. King Albert II accompanied his wife to this official engagement at the Laeken Castle.

Queen Paola, 86 years old, participated in the presentation of the Queen Paola Prize on June 12. The Queen Paola Foundation supports societal projects and awards the Prize of Hope and the Queen Paola Prize. Since 1992, the Queen Paola Foundation has supported over 1100 social projects, honored more than 500 teachers, and provided long-term support for 69 innovative initiatives in the field of integration.

The Prize of Hope supports innovative educational projects and programs. The Queen Paola Prize usually supports teachers who have carried out a remarkable inclusion project. This year, the Queen Paola prizes supported different projects, highlighting associations that develop projects promoting the inclusion and training of young people (aged 3 to 25) from socio-culturally disadvantaged backgrounds.

Queen Paola was assisted by Princess Claire during the award ceremony for youth inclusion (Photo: ABACAPRESS.COM).

Queen Paola attended the ceremony for the prize bearing her name at the Laeken Castle on Wednesday. The mother of King Philippe was accompanied by her husband, King Albert II, 90 years old, and Princess Claire, 50 years old. A few months ago, Queen Paola delegated some functions to her daughter-in-law, Princess Claire, who is now the vice president of the foundation. For this outing, Queen Paola and Princess Claire were coordinated, both wearing red and white outfits.

This year’s winners are Live in Color, Kompanjon, Peluche, and Der Verein Zur Förderung auf 4 Hufen. Each association receives a financial aid of 6500 euros. The prizes are awarded based on the regions and communities of the country. Live in Color is a Liège-based association that sponsors young refugees. Kompanjon is a Ghent-based association that provides educational support by connecting higher education students with socially vulnerable families. Peluche is a Brussels-based association that helps young people growing up in shelters. Finally, Der Verein Zur Förderung auf 4 Hufen is a German-speaking association in Eupen that allows vulnerable and disabled youth to spend time with horses and donkeys.

In conclusion, the collaboration between Queen Paola, Princess Claire, and the awarded associations highlights the importance of promoting youth inclusion and providing support to those in need. Queen Paola’s dedication to social projects and education initiatives continues to make a positive impact on the lives of young people across Belgium.