Amanda Harkimo told me that he stayed without pay occurring after Amanda and Players -in the program. The producer was the same as the polar night-criminal in the series.Amanda Harkimo tell facebook in that he stayed without pay tv after the filming. Riitta Heiskanen

the evening paper reported on Saturday the Finnish image magazine story, which reveals the Finnish Kaamos-crime series filming in Lapland ended in a disaster.

the Series was a Four big bet, that budget was over two million. The first parts should be viewable from a Screen in the service back in may.

in Contrast, for descriptions ended in economic disaster. Production company Mogul Movies didn’t get paid the wages and bills on time. Unpaid wages is a Finnish image magazine, at least 100 000 euros.

the lack of sun to produce Markos Annala has previously directed a reality show. One of them is a dj and some celebrity Amanda Harkimo starring Amanda and a player, which was seen on the FOX channel in 2017.

Annala production program production company Mogulmedian season. The other program was, for example, in Lapland the police. Mogulmedia go to the Finnish image magazine according to bankruptcy in 2017.

the polar night-a series of actors have not received their wages. ALL JAAKOLA

Now Amanda Harkimo has made a public Facebook update with comments Winter series producer möhlimistä already own series during his. Harkimo says he still has claims contribution.

–Well, at least me surprised ku company name was before it Reloaded the Media and for me not to pay wages Amanda and Players of the program, the same producer… Well, it was fun to do, writes Amanda Facebook.