
The latest season of B&B Vol Liefde started on Monday, and it’s been a hit once again. Last night, we saw the first date between Iris (57) and René (62). However, the B&B owner was completely turned off when she found out that her guest didn’t have a driver’s license.

Dutch viewers are loving B&B Vol Liefde, as the love stories of B&B owners have been a successful formula for four seasons now.

No sparks between Iris and René in B&B Vol Liefde
In the Greek town of Sparto, the spark hasn’t really ignited between B&B owner Iris and guest René. Iris spent the night thinking about what she thinks of ‘man number one’. “I think he’s an incredibly sweet, warm, nice man, but I don’t know if he’s the man for me. What I’m looking for is more of a party animal.”

To her cleaner, she later sighs that he’s too boring. René is oblivious to any wrongdoing. He describes the atmosphere as “cozy” in front of the cameras.

Sandra visits: ‘She’s irritating’
Iris’ friend Sandra pays a visit, which is a bit of a downer for René. “I hope she doesn’t get in the way. That she doesn’t demand too much attention from Iris, because that will take away from my time. That won’t do. That can’t happen. Sandra is so interesting.”

The three of them go for lunch at an authentic Greek restaurant. There, René does something he never does: have a glass of wine. “I don’t drink alcohol because I find it so disgusting. Especially wine,” he explains. Whether he’s trying to make an impression with this, we don’t know, but according to Sandra, he’s completely missed the mark. “This man is even willing to do things for me that he doesn’t like at all. He drinks a glass of wine with lunch, even though he hates it. He just shouldn’t do that.” She tells him that. “If you don’t like something, you don’t like it. Even if I were to meet George Clooney and he wanted to eat pea soup with me, no way.”

Meanwhile, René is getting increasingly annoyed with Sandra. “I would have preferred to go alone with Iris. Especially because Sandra is very present. What do I think of Sandra? Very annoying. Irritating, in Greek.”

Lack of a driver’s license throws a spanner in the works
The conversation then turns to driving. “Do you drive a car?” Iris asks her guest. “No, I don’t have a driver’s license. Never got around to it,” he answers. “Oh dear,” she reacts shocked. “That’s a bit of a problem here. It’s a must to have a driver’s license here.”

Iris shares her concerns with the cameras. “In Athens, you can get by without a car, but here, you really can’t. I want to be as honest with him as possible. Not stringing him along.”

René thinks scooters might be a solution, but Iris doesn’t recommend it. She honestly says that she sees it as a downside that he doesn’t have a driver’s license. “It’s not a big deal. Kind of a shame,” he says. “If that’s a deal-breaker for you, then we’ll go home.”

René: “I need to process that it’s about a driver’s license instead of love. I don’t quite understand that. Her relationship depends on a driver’s license. I don’t have one, so we’re done quickly. I’ll go back home.”

You can watch B&B Vol Liefde on Videoland.

In addition to the drama on B&B Vol Liefde, the decrease in beer sales by Dutch brewers has been a topic of discussion. This could be due to changing consumer preferences or other factors affecting the industry.

Moreover, niche dating apps are gaining popularity as people look for more tailored dating experiences within their own interests and preferences. This trend reflects a growing demand for specialized dating platforms in today’s digital age.

Overall, the latest episode of B&B Vol Liefde has brought to light the importance of compatibility and shared values in relationships, as seen through the interactions between Iris, René, and Sandra. The challenges they face, such as the lack of a driver’s license, emphasize the role of practical considerations in forming connections and the need for open communication in addressing potential deal-breakers.