For Halloween was Louise’s ass turned into a large Fenomenbet pumpkin. Now have the popular bales had a brush stroke with gold and glitter in celebration of december.

Louise Kjølsen, also known as the Twerk Queen, has, in cooperation with the Save of the Jungle surprised his followers on Instagram with a twerk-choreography to the well-known christmas song ‘Jingle Bell Rock’.

– We have decided to make an advent calendar. So my followers can expect a video every advent and a surprise on 24. It will be fun, and the bum will be dressed in many different ways. I think we’ve been pretty creative, says the 30-year-old Louise Kjølsen.

Louise Kjølsen is not only known for his rhythmic abilities with the downside; she has also in recent years been a voice in the public debate.

– I can use my bum to make activism.

She would like to challenge norms, create reactions and make up with some of the roles that exist in the Danish society today.

Not so scary – but fun – so it seemed, as Louise shook her pumpkin-bag in honor of halloween – in slow motion… (Video: Instagram)

And no, it is not the case that there is a political message in, to bum dance to ‘Jingle Bell Rock’. But it breaks with some of the unfortunate stereotypes that are in society. Some do not believe that you can be both clever and sexy. But of course it can, says Louise Kjølsen, who is a trained psychologist.

– We have very narrow roles of what one must do, and how you have to look out. But people should not be restricted. People say sometimes to me: ‘I can’t take you seriously when you look like’. But it should not be a problem. I’m smarter than half of those who writes such a thing to me, ” she says, and stresses that it is said with a twinkle in his eye.