“Many have klimatoro but few want to stay home”

“Gretaeffekten on swedes’ travel is limited. According to the newspaper Vagabonds resebarometer state two of the three swedes that they are affected by the writings about the trip carbon footprint.nSamtidigt state as many that they do not plan to change its travel.”

“Over the past year, the media has and influerare diligently hung out aviation as the climate villain. Klimataktivisten Greta Thunberg is one of those who stopped flying, while the expressions ”

“Vagabonds annual resebarometer shows that utlandssemestrandet decreased by half a million trips in 2018 compared to 2017. Just over one-fifth said they changed their travel, compared with the previous year, of which the majority made fewer trips abroad.”

“Anna Olofsson, phd student at Chalmers conducts research on climate and air believe that the reduction in the utlandsresandet partly linked to the climate debate, but points out that other factors, such as the introduction of flygskatten, the warning signs of an impending recession come into play, as well as the hot summer.”

“Few people want to change their travelling”

“– the heat wave get a sort of double effect. Partly it reminds of climate possible effects. We also had the forest fires that were unpleasant. Partly, it was so clearly more attractive to be at home than in a summer that is raining away, ” she says.”

“According to resebarometern refers to the 32 per cent to change its travel in 2019 for environmental reasons, while 19 per cent plan to take more trains.”

“That about a third of the swedes are talking about changing their behavior considers Anna Elofsson be a relatively high figure compared with what you can accomplish with, for example, an information campaign.”

“– If there was something new that made a third began to look over their alcohol consumption then you would probably think that it was pretty much, ” she says.”

“Flying will increase.”

“Still stands the flight for 65% of all trips abroad. and according to a forecast from Swedavia which operates Sweden’s largest airports are expected from the swedes flying to increase by 30% by 2030.”

“– That we care about the climate, it makes a lot of people and it shows in the statistics, but it does not hit through as much as you would think, ” says Per J Andersson, the editor of the magazine Vagabond.”

“the Simplicity, speed and a plethora of new cheap direct flights to tourist destinations makes air an obvious choice for many,” he says. In addition, these agents of ignorance about railroads.”

“Easier way to book train travel abroad is, however, vital to our resevanor will change, believe Per J Andersson.”

“Calls for easier foreign travel by train”

“– If everything looks like it is currently doing so will still only a small part to take the train to the rest of the world. They will, perhaps, be more, but they will remain a minority. What is needed is to travel agents, train companies and politicians makes it easier to go by train to the rest of the world.”

“Recently announced by the government that they are shooting for 50 million kronor to the Swedish transport administration to procure rail services to Germany.”

“the Facts: Semesterbarometern”