“Meat on the menu, something”

“Less meat and actively working to reduce shrinkage. So have Kristinebergsskolan in Stockholm brought down the costs of school feeding, as a way to be able to afford more organic food. Today, more than half of organic.”

“it is soon eleven, and the youngest pupils in the Kristinebergsskolan in Stockholm is on the way in to eat in the dining room. On the menu kycklingpaella with matvete, fullkornscouscous and mixed vegetables vegetarian option is a paprikastroganoff with haloumi.”

“the Food,” explains chef Åsa Jansson, is carefully thought out and not only follow the national guidelines, but also the city of their own that, inter alia, stipulates that at least half of the food should consist of organically produced foodstuffs.”

“Last year, we were 53 per cent,” she says.”

“Organic food is more expensive than conventional, but according to Åsa Jansson is the cost of her school is not significantly higher than in the past. Instead, she says, it’s all about making conscious choices and reduce wastage. Above all, it is the clean meats that had put it on the foot.”

“– The livsmedelsupphandlingar which Stockholm do is important that they become good. Because they are so big it is not so much more expensive. Yes, organic potato is more expensive than regular potatoes, but it is still a very cheap food. In general, it is all about to decide and not be attracted by the temporary discounts, ” says Åsa Jansson.”

“She realizes that there are effects on the climate, but believes that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Not least because the proportion of meat declined.”

“so has the food on the Kristinebergsskolan undergone something of a transformation in recent years, where the green options such as lentils, beans, peppers, potatoes and root vegetables had a larger space.”

“If we have meat is often a stew that we are.”

“another trick is to start from the current season.”

“– It is insane to fly a fresh vegetable if it is not the season for it. We in Sweden have been a bit slow to take advantage of what you have, like brown beans. You have not had a way of thinking, quite simply, ” says Åsa Jansson.”

“another misconception, she says, is the if proteins. That meat is more or less a necessary food thanks to the proteins.”

“– Some of the vegetables are at least as high protein. As the pea soup that contains more protein than a hamburger. As far as I know, there are no in Sweden who suffer from protein deficiency.”

TT: But what the kids think about it. ”

“– It remains to be see a little bit, because we have not had this for so long. But children are conscious consumers and are careful with what they eat.”

TT: But they eat it green?”

“– Yes, they do. In particular, when ”