Sanna Seiko Salon on the ice cream, including frozen lingonberries.A short documentary of the subject’s menstrual activism, which seeks to dispel menstruation-related shame. Yle

Lady Lipstick so writer-entrepreneur Sanna Seiko Salon manufactured today menstrual ice cream. It happened Juha stairs in ear no menstrual activism, as finalised in the short documentary in Menstruation, which is seen for the first time Friday to discuss the program.

Today femacchio-menstrual ice cream. On the bottom is put on the wonderful pomegranate, namely the pink goo, the Salon start.

the sweetness Salon balance hapokkuuta, which will bring the icy lingon.

Because lingon day, he will justify berry choice one menstruation used the word.

chocolate curls and marenkirouhe finishing the dose.

– a Little messy, but so are the rag, Salon points out humorously.

Finally, he asks how the delicacy is served. There are two options, but neither is the traditional waffle.

– Put in a cup or a bowl, the Salon wants to know about the menstrual cup in one hand.

Menstruation today TV1:ts, at 21: 30.