Instagram in the published picture has garnered himself plenty of congratulations and praise Hugo Häkkinen’s physical appearance.Always and Hugo Hakkinen appeared mother Erja Hakkinen alongside a fashion show in Helsinki in September. Mari Pudas

Former F1-driver’s Mika Hakkinen eldest son Hugo meets on Wednesday to 18 years.

a celebration in honor of Hugo’s mother, fashion entrepreneur Erja Hakkinen , has released an Instagram photo of the young man.

– the love of my life is today adults. Happy birthday to my love, Erja Hakkinen write the image to a context.

If Instagram-embed is not showing, you can watch it here.

the picture shows the smiling Hugo posing in a gray hoodie and thick curly hair a little pörröisenä. The photo was taken at the beginning of September, when Hugo served as the model for mother’s work-related context at a fashion show in Finland. Also Hugo’s little sister Always , 13, occurring at the time as a model.

Erja Hakkinen has told, how the 186-foot Hugo was approached the other day family vacation in Italy. As a result, his model pictures were sent to the model office.

Erjan published by image below is accrued quickly a lot of congratulations. Many also praise the Hugo’s appearance.

I still Remember the first he published a baby picture, any formula one fan commented.

– Wow, what a handsome guy, someone’s praises.

– a Handsome young adult.

– Looks like her mother.

erh of Häkkinen told me three years ago, the evening press for Hugo Hakkinen of my dreams. IL-TV

Erja, Hugo and Always Häkkinen live in Monaco, but they spend especially in summer time also in Finland.

in the Spring of Hugo explains in an interview, that is interested in fashion designer, studying in Milan.

in the Photo, Mika, Hugo and Erja Häkkinen in Monaco in 2002. IL-ARCHIVES

as well As the Hugo that Always have been into football. Younger Hugo was also seen as a go-kart behind the wheel.

Hugo’s father Mika Häkkinen is a Finnish all-time menestynen F1 driver. Mika Häkkisellä has three children and his current wife, Marketa Häkkinen.