Mint Kaulanen mom had arrest handcuffs.Video on Sampo and Mint Kaulanen tell of their life situation.

äkäslompolo types of village merchants Sampo Kaulanen Mint -wife to tell the Youtube channel a special case.

namely he Sari -her mother had years ago in Los Angeles while living in the jail.

Sari’s mother commends his destiny, the fact that it was a Beverly Hills-area jail.

– In the sense luksusputka, that somewhere in West LA or down townilla would have been a few others in the same cell, Sari’s mother explained.

the Situation came about when the Sari was at the time working at a clothing store, which sold jeans and disco clothes.

I Was 20 years old, and the year was -79.

– whether we had seven people. At that time, our boss have a 30-year-old, and he decided to take us to dinner in a fancy Red Onion -the name of the restaurant, which location in Beverly Hills.

Mint Kaulanen mother lived years ago in Los Angeles. Pete Anikari

– When the time when our employer pay with a credit card, which had been left from the customer to the store. The card had been reported lost or stolen.

after That, Mint’s mother and the rest of the table was arrested.

We were put in handcuffs. Even though I was in mänttä living was relatively lively during puberty, I was never in Finland, been in jail, a mother recalls the incident of the laughter with.

Eventually, the Sari got a call from jail one phone call. She called her husband’s friend, who was studying to be a lawyer.

If he hadn’t responded, I wouldn’t know what to do.

Sari told me that she didn’t need jail to long to sit, because he was innocent of the whole event.

I Was of our party the first one to reach there to leave.

– your Father was pretty surprised, he recalls.

That video is not made clear, was whether the shop owner taken accidentally or on purpose, the customer left a credit card.

Sari-my mom also told me that the entire troupe was sitting in jail, disco clothes, because they were supposed to go to a party.

I had a gold-colored hiluvingutin dress, and there was a couple of those chicks, who are laughing, that good sister.