After two points of sale in the 19th arrondissement of the capital, the Dutch discounter Action inaugurated a new Parisian store this Saturday. The latest one is located this time in the 15th arrondissement, at 81 rue de Lourmel. Covering an area of ​​800 m2, it offers more than 1,500 items for less than €1 and more than two thirds of its products for less than €2, for a total of 6,000 references.

The Dutch discounter’s strategy has paid off. Its 2023 turnover stood at 11.3 billion euros, or 2.4 billion euros more than the previous year. With this new opening, the brand brings its total number of stores in France to 807. “In six years, Action has more than doubled its presence in Île-de-France with, at the end of 2023, more than 94 stores (141% points of sale between 2017 and 2023),” specifies the specialized magazine LSA.

A decade after its arrival in France, Action was crowned “French favorite brand” by the EY Parthenon ranking. Action benefits from an exceptional territorial network: 90% of French people have a point of sale less than twenty minutes from their home. By playing the proximity card, the chain managed to reach nearly 5 billion annual turnover last year, for the French market alone.

Also readAction, Normal, Flying Tiger… “Discounters” are attacking city centers

Popular in rural areas, the brand has only recently launched an attack on the capital. A bold strategy, punctuated by the opening of this third intramural store, because these points of sale act as a test for the Dutch chain. “The whole challenge is to know whether Parisians, who can go to Action occasionally in the provinces, will take up the discount habit in their daily lives,” explains to Figaro Pierre Brun, retail expert for the Vertone firm.