“More women seek help at women’s shelter”

“what’s needed Now are more volunteers to the women’s shelter in Sölvesborg, which is currently overloaded. “

“– We are looking for more enthusiasts and volunteers, ” says Elisabeth Åström working at the women’s shelter.”

“the Calls to the women’s shelter Embla in Sölvesborg is increasing all the time and the pressure is now so great that the women’s shelter together with the municipality, started a self-help where the affected women can meet each other and feel that they are not alone, writes Sydostran.”

“at the same time needed more volunteers who want to engage.”

“– We need more jourkvinnor that can help vulnerable women and children in dangerous situations, ” says Elisabeth Åström at the women’s shelter.”

“Every year, calling more than 400 women to the women’s shelter in Sölvesborg in order to get help, and now increasing calls all the time.”