Politicians of the government coalition, have called for the introduction of a mosque tax for Muslims. You analogy could be made to the Church tax the state collected. the

For the Christian communities of the state driving automatically to the Church for Muslim groups in Germany, is not yet possible. Politicians of the black-red coalition want to change that and bring in analogy to Church tax, a so-called mosque tax to the game. Union Bundestag group Deputy Thorsten Frei (CDU) in the world. The objective should be that “Islam in Germany emancipated from the influence of foreign States and a stronger domestic orientation of wins,” he said. A mosque would be expensive “an important step”. They would allow the Muslims to stand on your own feet financially.

Also the General counsel of the Union group, Michael Frieser (CSU), supports a mosque tax. “The goal must be a stand-alone funding, to ensure the independence of the mosque communities,” said Frieser, the world. He further assumes that such a tax will ensure more transparency.

SPD interior expert Burkhard Lischka, to be referred to the idea of “to decouple the funding of Muslim communities in Germany by foreign donors”, as “worthy of discussion”. As a result, the danger of the influence of the outside and of a possible radicalisation could reduce. “Up to a finished concept but it is probably still a way off, we can only go with the countries together, because Church countries are taxes thing,” said Lischka of the newspaper.

support also came from the founder of the liberal mosque in Berlin-Seyran Ates. Muslims should organize the financing of their communities becoming self-reinforcing, said Ates. “Everything, what the communities need, and can be applied in the future by the members themselves.” Ates initiator of the Ibn-Rushd-Goethe-mosque in the district of Moabit, which stands for a liberal Islam and for a gender-just interpretation of the Qur’an occurs.