Maria Veitola told MTV in an interview that people in your environment talk comes natural. In the video, Maria Veitola Venla-gala. Maria Veitola is seeking to clear his head of prejudice before a sleepover leaving. Jenni Gästgivar / IL

journalist, presenter Maria Veitola told MTV in an interview that his life is really cool when he gets a sleepover well-known Finnish house. Veitola is, inter alia, sauna, prime minister Juha Sipilä .

a Sleepover when she wants to, above all, get to know people – this maybe a question too, despite opinions to the. He seeks to empty the mind of preconceived in advance, but please note often, however, assumptions to be sitting tight. Sometimes the assumptions people turn out to be completely wrong.

Nykyarjessa is no longer very usual visit to the second visit, let alone stay properly for the night. This is caused by the amusing situations the program to do:

the Funny thing is that the program format in spite of many host and hostess has been a surprise, that really stay for a sleepover, Veitola told MTV in an interview.

Studio task talk show Sleepover program differs substantially:

– People in a safe environment, easy to be yourself. Together with the interviewee is then luonollista and organic, in no way feigned, Veitola amount.

a Sleepover Maria Veitola program of the fourth production season begins MTV3-channel 24. January.